Statement on CQ’s recent decision to limit participants

It is hard to find correct words for the current situation we are witnessing in the Ukraine these days. We often remain in a mood of anger, sorrow, and anxiety. Many of us live far away from the events. We are worried about the affected people and grieve with them about their losses. Beyond our donations to relieve a small part of the distress, our options to help are limited. Economical embargos, boycotts, and political statements which are focused to hit governments and people in charge, are certainly necessary but do not always meet our expectations.
Lately, the CQ Communications, Inc., decided to limit contest participation from Russia, Belarus and Donbas region in their sponsored CQ World Wide DX and WPX Contests. Logs from these regions will only count as checklogs and contacts with them will count zero points for all of us.
The Bavarian Contest Club considers this decision as inappropriate and not helpful for anybody within the Contest Community.
Among other noble principles, Amateur Radio is of non-political nature. Amateur Radio is a hobby, a spare time activity. Amateur Radio was always proud of connecting different countries, cultures and people with different opinions and views. Amateur Radio was never intended as application of political pressure.
The Bavarian Contest Club feels that is not an appropriate understanding of competition, to offer plaques as prize when excluding a great number of contesters at the same time. To exclude a group of contesters only because they are led by a regime which currently is disputed and accused heavily is not our understanding of Ham Spirit.
Therefore, the Bavarian Contest Club will temporarily stop the plaque sponsoring for the upcoming CQ World Wide WPX SSB and CW Contests. This includes four plaques for the Rookie and Youth category overlays. The Bavarian Contest Club is also sponsor of four other plaques in CQWW DX Contest and CQWW RTTY DX Contest. This sponsorship will be evaluated at a later time.
Chris DL1MGB
President Bavarian Contest Club