BCC QSO Party Easter 2004 – Rules

The Bavarian Contest Club invites all members and friends to the BCC QSO Party. This is a good chance to easily reach the WABCC award plus stickers. 20 BCC members including the special station DA0BCC need to be worked for the basic award.

Good Friday
Time 09.04.2004

CW 7 MHz 1300 to 1500 UTC

CW 3.5 MHz 1700 to 1900 UTC

Exchange RST – no serial number – QSO Party
Call BCC members call cq test

Non-members call cq bcc or cq wabcc

Time 10.04.2004

Simultaneously during the SSB EU sprint contest

SSB 3,5 MHz, 7 MHz, 14 MHz

1500 to 1859 UTC

Exchange Like in the sprint rules: name (or nick name)
Special prize There will be a special prize (BCC pennant or
BCC wheat beet glass) for the one who reaches
most BCC members. This prize will be handed over at the HAM RADIO fair 2004.
Easter Monday
Time 12.04.2004

SSB 7 MHz 1300 to 1500 UTC

SSB 3.5 MHz 1700 to 1900 UTC

Exchange RS – no serial number – QSO Party
Call BCC members call CQ Contest

Non-members call CQ BCC or CQ WABCC

DA0BCC will be active during these periods primarily on these frequencies:

3533 – 3733 – 7033 – 7066 – 14033 – 14233 kHz

Please send you log in Cabrillo or at least ASCII format to Ralf, DL9DRA at: wabcc-at-gmx.de.