HL3K 2003 – Nachlese

Here is a picture collection of photoes and snapshots taken on Saturday, January 11th 2003 during the HL3K Meeting 2003 and some of the Presentations. HL3K Meeting in German means „Heilig-Dreikoenigs-Treffen“

This year one of the most important discussion about the future of MS-DOS and the famous Contest Software „CT“ written by K1EA took place and we managed a kind of „Contest Software Workshop“ presenting some of the MS-Windows programs by different members of the BCC. For all of you who are interested … download the PowerPoint Presentations (in German) and have fun.

Logger von N1MM by DF3IAL/SM6CNN

CT von K1EA by DL6RAI

Writelog von K5XD by DH1TW

RCKLog – The Windows Contest Software by DL4RCK