BCC MS-Contest 2012 – Ergebnisse

In this year many OP´s found out, that the activity was less than the last years because of the contest within the week and worse conditions. We had no clear peak, the number of QSO´s were nearly the same on 12th and 13th of december, the signal strength of the bursts not so strong as usual. Nevertheless over 36 countries were active while the contest. Now we are looking forwards to the Perseids in August, if we will find the same reduction of meteorits activity.

In diesem Contest stellten viele OP´s eine geringere Beteiligung fest, wohl weil der Wettbewerb in die (Arbeits-) Woche fiel, andererseits blieben die Bedingungen auch hinter den Erwartungen zurück. Ein klares „Peak“ mit den gewohnten langen Bursts schien es nicht zu geben, vielmehr waren die Bedingungen am 12. und 13. Dezember gleich gut, in den Signalen aber eher mittelmäßig. Vielleicht lag es aber auch an den Wetterverhältnissen mancherorts. Wir sind gespannt, ob auch bei den Perseiden in diesem August ein „Abflachen“ der Meteoritenschauer festzustellen sein wird? Immerhin wurden am Ende trotzdem QSO´s aus über 36 Ländern gemeldet.

BCC MS-Contest Results 2012



Nice Contest, but bad weather – strong wind, till 30m/s 73!


First participation in this contest after 25 years of inactivity due to QRL .I notice, that MS is still exciting and unexpected, especially in random operation which sticks more with hamspirit. Conditions got really fun after midnight the first two nights with some pile-ups but the contest was nearly shortened to 2 days as they abruptly dropped the last day. Anyway I enjoyed. Thank you all !


Because of (unexpected) QRL I was not able to be QRV as much as I hoped before. I made about 50% of the amount of last year QSO’s. Sometimes very good and long reflections and stations calling endless CQ like RU1MS and YU7KB keeping filling my screen. On the 12th good reflections and good activity; on the 13th reasonable reflections and rather poor activity. On the 14th during the morning good reflections and less activity; during this evening very few new stations only and less reflections. Unfortunately I was not QRV during the ‘real’ maximum in the night.


This year our team worked with my own callsign from KN05fg, our usual location in BCC MS contest. Like every year, Geminids gave us a lot of fun. We enjoyed working MS contest!
Some pictures are placed at
Congratulations to winners and see you next year…
YT7WE Alex, YU7KB Bane, YU7MS Miska, YU7ON Zoran, YU7PS Pali, YU7PAA Ilija.