BCC MS-Contest 2009 – Ergebnisse

Im BCC MS Contest 2009 konnte eine weitere Zunahme der aktiven Stationen, vor allem im Osten Europas, verzeichnet werden. Mit Zunahme der Aktivität verteilten sich die QSOs fast gleichmäßig auf den 11., 12. Und 13. Dezember, die Spitze lag an diesen Tagen stets zwischen 20 und 22 Uhr UTC. Aber auch die frühen Morgenstunden sowie der Vormittag wurde häufig für die Verbindungen genutzt. Hier lag das Maximum am 13. Dezember.

HSCW als Betriebsart wurde nur noch in wenigen Fällen verwendet. Insgesamt wurden 2009 über 540 unterschiedliche Rufzeichen aus 44 DXCC Ländern geloggt, die Fehlerquote lag erfreulich niedrig. Hier noch die Länderbeteiligung und die Entwicklung über die letzten Jahre:


# Callsign QSO Points Pfx Score QTH Loc Rig
1 OH1XT 149 435 102 44.370 KP01UK 600W, 2x 5WL
2 SP4MPB 105 313 86 26.918 KO03HT 500W, 4x13ele
3 UT2UB 104 312 81 25.272 KO40UO 600W, 10ele
4 LZ2FO/2 103 309 76 23.484 KN14KA 500W, 15ele
5 RX1AS 103 292 76 22.192 KO59FX 1KW, 4x20ele, 16ele
6 YL2AO 84 250 71 17.750 KO16DK 500W, 13ele
7 RA3WDK 75 225 59 13.275 KO81BR 800W, 13ele
8 SP6GZZ 68 204 58 11.832 JO80FX 200W, 14 ele
9 UR6EC 70 201 53 10.653 KN78XM 1KW, 15ele
10 UY9VY 63 189 54 10.206 KN68DM 400W, 2x16ele
11 F/PA2CHR 67 199 51 10.149 IN99IL 500W, 10ele
12 DL1RNW 63 189 52 9.828 JO62GH 300W, 4x10ele
13 UT5ST 57 171 44 7.524 KN28IW 300W, 10ele
14 YL3HA 44 132 39 5.148 KO26DW 200W, 4x9ele
15 DK5OX 43 125 41 5.125 JN59MO 100W, 10ele
16 DL1MAJ 39 117 38 4.446 JN68AH 750W, 2x17ele
17 UR3EE 36 108 35 3.780 KN88DC 1KW, 15ele
18 LA4YGA 38 114 33 3.762 JO39RC 800W, 9ele
19 F6BEG 34 98 32 3.136 JN25JS 250W, 2x12ele
20 UT8AL 33 99 30 2.970 KO61WP 90W, 20ele
21 LA0BY 32 94 28 2.632 JO59FW 250W, 9ele
22 UR4LQ 31 93 27 2.511 KO80BC 300W, 12ele
23 I5TWK/8 27 81 27 2.187 JN70FS 700W, 18ele
24 US8ZAL 27 81 25 2.025 KN66AU 50W, 12ele
25 DJ2QV 27 81 24 1.944 JN58UA 600W, 8ele I0JXX
26 OZ1PIF 26 78 24 1.872 JO65AN 300W, 17ele
27 LZ1DP 25 75 21 1.575 KN22ID 200W, 10ele
28 YO2BBT 23 69 22 1.518 KN05WG 300W, 10ele
29 YO5OHY 21 63 21 1.323 KN17SP 150W, 16ele
30 RA4NCX 21 63 18 1.134 LO49JM 200W, 10ele
31 DL4KUG 30 40 27 1.080 JO64PB 100W, 15ele
32 LZ1JH 20 56 19 1.064 KN12PQ 100W, 8ele
33 RN4AT 17 51 16 816 LN29LA 1KW, 4x17ele
34 LZ1OA 16 48 15 720 KN22TK 2x12ele,600W
35 RV3YM 15 43 15 645 KO63QQ 1KW, 4x9ele
36 DM5TI 14 42 13 546 JN68FF 50W, 7ele
37 UA6AGK 13 39 12 468 KN96DQ 100W, 9ele
37 DL2RUG 13 39 12 468 JO62OJ 150W, 10ele
37 LZ2ZY 13 39 12 468 KN13OT 100W, 2x 9 ele
40 DK5MB 13 39 11 429 JN68BI 500W, 17ele
41 ON4KHG 12 36 11 396 JO10XO 300W, 12ele
42 RZ6DD 9 27 8 216 LN04MX 75W, 12ele
43 RZ3AAO 8 24 8 192 KO86VA 50W, 3 ele
44 UA9SL 8 24 7 168 LO71NS 800W, 4×12 ele
44 IT9VDQ 8 24 7 168 JM68PD 500W, balcony8JXX2
45 DF8IK 7 19 6 114 JO30JT 600W, 11ele
47 RA4FER 6 18 6 108 LO23NE 100W, 2×2 HB9CV, 2ele Quad
48 LZ5GM 4 12 4 48 KN32QL 100W, 7ele
49 G4BRK 4 12 4 48 IO91HP 50W, 7ele
49 DF0BV 3 9 3 27 JN68AH 180W, 11ele
49 SW1NZX 3 9 3 27 KM17VV 50W, 17ele
49 UE3ISS 3 9 3 27 KO67WU 50W, 19ele
53 RU2FM 2 6 2 12 KO04GQ 100W, 9ele


# Callsign QSO Points Pfx Score QTH Loc Rig
1 RU1A 274 814 156 100.000 KO48VR 1KW 14ele + 4x14ele
2 YU7MS 181 541 117 63.297 KN05FG 700W, 2×10,1x10BVO,10ele
3 LA/PA5DD 187 561 102 57.222 JP40KS 1KW, 15ele
4 YM3M 72 214 54 11.556 KM38WN 100W, 2x DJ9BV
5 9A1CAL 49 150 46 6.900 JN86DM 400W, 2x17ele
6 DL0HOF 55 144 45 6.480 JO50XG 750W, 2x10ele
7 RZ4HYL 25 75 20 1.500 LO42OP 200W,13ele

Operator Multi-Op
RU1A RU1A, Alex + RU1AC, Alexey
YU7MS YT7AC, Stanko, YU7KB, Branislav,YU7MS, Miska, YU7ON, Zoran, YU7PAA, Ilija
LA/PA5DD PA5DD, Uffe, OZ2M, Bo
YM3M LZ1ZX, Dimitar, LZ1GHT, George, LZ1KQ, Krassimir, LZ1OB, Bogdan
9A1CAL 9A4RJ, Pepi, 9A5RJ, Joza, 9A5AVW, Vlatko, 9A1CAL, Zvonko
DL0HOF DL9NDW, Harald, DD2SR, Stefan, DL2GX, Kurt
RZ4HYL RA4HT, Alex, RU4HY, Vlad, RA4HGN, Serge



DXCC Teilnehmer
4L 1
4Z 1
9A 3
9H 1
CN 1
DL 130
EA 5
EI 2
ER 1
ES 2
EU 2
F 20
G 19
GI 1
GM 4
GW 1
HA 12
HB9 1
I 29
IT9 3
LA 5
LX 1
Year DXCC Active Stn
1999 27 159
2000 27 133
2001 23 120
2002 30 243
2003 31 327
2004 37 403
2005 39 401
2006 38 458
2007 39 431
2008 41 492
2009 44 540



Back to Sicily again from Sardinia first days of october, still no antennas on my roof; but it is impossible for me do not partecipate to the BCC Geminids Contest,so put my 8JXX2 antenna inside balcony and was active in the peack. Few qso, butalways very funny!


Another fun trip and this time we were three operators allowing for a bigger effort. This year we were also active on 50 MHz and 70 MHz. The latter was a new band in Norway in November 2009. We managed to work 53 QSOs mainly on MS and also work 11 Most Wanted Contest points www.rudius.net/mwd/contest.php
On 144 MHz we made our best result ever despite a slower start then usual. Furthermore were we subject to the volatile automated fuses in the cabin. Time after time we have to reset them. On 12 at 2040 UTC the mains supply to the cabin was lost. At first we thought it was a fuse on the external high voltage line. Fortunately we managed to locate an automated fuse placed on the outside of the cabin. Some 20 minutes we were back on air. In total we made 18 Most Wanted Contest points.
During daytime we were skiing in Hemsedal that was recently chosen as the number one alpine skiing location in Norway. OK it is not the Alps but why not combine both radio and skiing?
So after another successful 2009 trip where should we go in 2010? Please help us in the planning by telling what squares and DXCCs you would like to work. Do this at VUSHF DX-peditions Most Wanted DX www.rudius.net/mwd/update.php
You can see more from the trip at on our homepages
PA5DD: home.hccnet.nl/uffe.noucha/exped/jp40ks.htm
OZ2M: www.rudius.net/oz2m


Thank for contest! It is my first MS contest. I have learn work after half of contest, hi!
Merry Christmas!


Had a nice time running this contest from a summer holiday house in Normandy. The QTH was at sea level, but takeoff was very good to N/E and E. There was a DX-cluster announcement from RA3WDK that he received a burst: 140/2 from me at 2631 km! I decided to go to the IN99 square because it was wanted by > 40% of the stations and I hope I was able to work a lot of them. A bit strange: I just worked a few stations from the Scandinavian region¡­¡­. OH and SM station produced good signals at my QTH. When taking down the antenna after the contest the owner of the house told me that I produced ’nice TVI‘ all over the weekend; also at the neighbours: I was very glad they did not complain earlier!


There was good activity, but difficult to work stations over 1800 km. The peak was shorter than last year and around 05 UTC on 14 December as expected, but lasted around 30 minutes only. It seems, that more and more stations are active in Russia and Ukraine and many antennas are beaming east and north-east, not good for F- stations!


Unfortunately we were unable to cover full contest time. Lot of wx problems, snow & ice on antenna, especially last contest day when we had difficulties even to reach location. Activity from G, DL and some other countries was lower as expected.


Thank you for the realized QSO.
Unfortunately, we didn¡¯t manage to realize our initial plans because of some problems that occurred in the supply which made us work with 100W only (transceiver). I hope we can organize an expedition the next year, an expedition with which we can make those, who couldn¡¯t realize QSO with us, glad.


thanks for all the nice MS activity during the past GEMINIDS MS Shower. I was on with DR5O Call for some hours but most of time was used (together with team member IV3NDC) to update the MMMonVHF MS-Prop. Page http://www.mmmonvhf.de/ms.php
We was able to setup an up to date MS Square OVERVIEW during these METEOR SHOWER and pass comments who was where qrv. In detail please do check:
In case of any further activities you will be very welcome to
use the VHF-DX-Portal MMMonVHF ( http://www.mmmonvhf.de/ )
We do wish you and your families a very good new year 2010
and hope to meet you where ever we or you will be qrv!


Here a good WX accompanying Geminids shower this year. Low noise and good sigs specially from East.
Peak as predicted. Heard some other guys but didn¡¯t worked them as they mainly pointing toward UA-SV-YM3M special call and so on.. Worked also three more stations by sked, so they are not in the above log.
Definitely my WWloc is dead, think no more interest in it. I think next year will attempt to activate some less used locator and hope to be more listened on my frequency from interested square hunters.
That’s all folk, thanks and compliments for your organization efforts.


Tnx for the nice contest!
Happy New Year!


The activity was as good as last year.Our result turned out to be lower,as after few ours we lost two LNA’s ,new chinese connectors in commutator was to blame.,and we had to work with one antenna. We used wideband receiver for some first hours,which got signals from two antennas with LNA’s. We were very pleased it’s operation. BCC contest we like very much, maybe much better than EME contests now,especially Alexey, and hope the europeans like it too.
The peak of the shower was in the evening December 13.


… Not a big score, but hard to do random MS with QRP from a poor QTH!