BCC Man of the Year 2016: DJ5MW

Am 25. Juni 2016 wurde im Rahmen des BCC-Buffet erneut ein Mitglied für sein Engagement zum „Man of the Year“ ausgezeichnet. In diesem Jahr wurde Manfred, DJ5MW gewürdigt. Die Laudation kann hier nachgelesen werden:

Ladies and Gentlemen, this year I am very proud to honor a member of our club, who has made major contributions to our club and to contesting in general for the last 29 years.

Actually, he started his contest career in 1987 when he did Field Day with his local radio club. I personally got to know him in 1990, when he joined the Multi-Multi-Team at DA0BV in the CQ World Wide DX Contest. Soon after that he joined BCC and became part of contest teams activating calls like 4U1VIC and T70A. After 1997 he really started to contribute big scores to the club results and in 1999 and 2000 he helped to reach the world record in SSB and CW from CN8WW.

In 2000 he competed in the WRTC in Slovenia where his team achieved 4th place. The two guys returned fo WRTC in 2014 and became 3rd out of 59 teams. This guy is very active in the contest and has been contributing big points to the club score. In 2015 he managed to achive the highest total score ever in the BCC internal Frequent Contester Program, 80.7 million points.

A quiet and contained personality, his skills are easily underestmated. His friends describe him as a very reliable, always balanced and anti-choleric personality. He prefers working quietly in the background rather than making a big story of himself. But he can be very ambitious has an endless amount of stamina, says his long-time team mate.

Once, many years ago, I asked him: „What is the secret of your success? Could you prepare a presentation and tell us how you do it?“ For a moment he tought about the question. Then he shrug his shoulders and said: „Look, there is no secret. I just sit down and operate. That’s all – there is nothing I could present!“

Ladies and Gentlemen, let me call on the stage: Manfred Wolf, DJ5MW