BCC Man of the Year 2009: DL3DXX

Wie in den vergangenen Jahren wurde im Rahmen des BCC Buffet am 27. Juni 2009 in Immenstaad die Auszeichnung „BCC Man of the year“ vergeben. Und auch dieses Mal war die Spannung groß, wem die Auszeichnung zuteil wird. Mit Dietmar, DL3DXX zeichnete unser Präsident einen gestandenen erfolgreichen und in der Community bekannten und beliebten Contester aus. Die minutenlangen stehenden Ovationen des Publikums bestätigten die Wahl. Die Laudatio kann hier nachgelesen werden:

Ladies and Gentlemen, this year I am very proud to honor a member of our club, who has contributed a lot to Contesting and DXing for almost 30 years.

This guy is an excellent technician and software expert. He has contributed endless hours to create and maintain software for amateur radio contesting.

He is a big team player, the kind of person you like to have on an expedition to get problems out of the way, to get things done and to stay cool even in critical situations. He never says NO when asked for help.

The list of callsigns that he operated from is long and impressive and includes many exotic places like Pratas Island, Easter Island, Revilla Gigedo, Maliy Vysotskij, almost all of the VK9 islands and about 20 other DX locations.

A super CW operator, he knows the low bands by heart and can hear the grass grow when it comes to copying weak signals. He loves Weak Signal Operation.

On top of all that, he has got a lot of humor, he is a nice guy and he never pushes himself in the foreground.

But this evening, ladies and gentlemen, is dedicated to him.

Let me call on the stage: Dietmar Kasper, DL3DXX