BCC Man of the Year 2010: DL8WPX

Am 26. Juni 2010 fand im Rahmen der HAM Radio in Friedrichshafen wieder unser BCC-Buffet in Immenstaad statt. Dieser Rahmen war erneut der Anlass für die Verleihung der Ehrung „BCC Man of the year“ – die in diesem Jahr an unser Mitglied Jörg, DL8WPX ging. Die Laudatio unseres Präsidenten kann hier nachgelesen werden:

Ladies and Gentlemen, this year I am very proud to honor a member of our club, who has contributed a lot to Contesting and DXing for the last 27 years.

This guy is an excellent technician both in hardware and software. He is a cool operator, although I have to say, 160 M SSB is not his thing. I got to know him back in 1990 when he joined the Multi-Multi team of DA0BV for the CQ World Wide DX Contest – competing with our friends up North at DL0CS.

He quickly became addicted to DXpeditioning in the 90s and travelled around the world to many rare spots like Lord Howe Island, New Caledonia, Christmas Island, Cocos Keeling, Bangla Desh, Papua New Guinee to name a few. As one of the key members of the BCC’s still-standing world record operation from 1999 and 2000 as CN8WW, he visited Morocco five times in two years.

A good team player, he is involved in the continuous improvement and re-design of the German Monster station DR1A. At the same time, he is supporting another large-scale DXpedition which is going to the South Pacific later this year.

But it’s not only for his DXpeditioning and technical skills – he has been substantial in promoting and advancing electronic log checking methods. He is the guy who pushed the Cabrillo file format for DARC contests, and who created and improved distributed log cross checking methods to allow for speedy processind and make contest results show up shortly after the deadline. Today he is in the position to manage the Worked All Europe DX Contest, DARC’s most prominent and difficult international competition.

One of the things I truly admire of this man is his dedication and stamina. This guy really makes things happen, but you’ll never see him in the foreground. He never gives up his dreams although life hasn’t been easy for him at all times.

He can be a model for many of us.

Ladies and Gentlemen, let me call on the stage: Jörg Puchstein, DL8WPX