BCC MS-Contest 2011 – Ergebnisse

Am 30. August 2011 starb im Alter von nur 54 Jahren unser langjähriger Funkfreund Rytis, LY4U. Er war ein großartiger und fairer Contester – nicht nur im BCC MS Contest, den er bereits viele Jahre äusserst erfolgreich begleitete, sondern auch in zahlreichen anderen Aktivitäten des Amateurfunks. Mit ihm verlieren wir einen besonderen Funkfreund, weshalb wir ihm diesen Contest im Jahre 2011 widmen wollen. Lieber Rytis, wir gratulieren Dir herzlich zum Sieg im Jahre 2010! Unsere Gedanken begleiten Dich, während wir Deine großen Bursts vermissen werden.
This year many OP´s missed the typical peak with very long and loud burst´s. On the other side we have much more activity in the eastern part of Europe, so this shower remains very interesting for MS enthusiasts. Here are the comments and results for the BCC MS 2011, Best 73 and good reflections! Alex, DL1MAJ
LZ1JH Rumen
Hi Alex,
This is my log for the great contest.
Merry Christmas and happy new year!
73 and GL
Vlad, US8ZAL
Thanks for the contest. Himself won – improved last year’s result. I hope next year will do the same.
Merry Christmas!
DJ2QV Maik
Less time available this year but still great fun during Geminids. Rytis was sadly missed during this great event.
Hello Alex !
I had only very little time to be QRV In this test 2011.
The whole time with the best condx and while the peak I had to work in my job.
Thanks for the contest!
Was my participation ever and had a lot of fun. I’ve never thought that I could make so many contacts with my little station. See you in 2012!
HI dear ALEX,
This year I had too much QRL during BCC MS Contest, so I made only 5 QSO`s.
Answered just a few CQ calls in the early evening hours. Wish to have holidays for night shift´s, hi….
Our humble team once again took part in BCC MS contest this year. This is mine 22 time in BBC MS contest (hopefully not the last).
It seems, there was lot of rocks this year but less participants than last year. This year competition went without technical problems for us.
You can find some pictures on www.yt7c.org.rs/Galerija/bcc11yu7ms/index.htm
YT7WE Alex, YU7MS Miska, YU7ON Zoran, YU7PS Pali, YU7PAA Ilija, Sile
See you next year.
73 Miska YU7MS
Chris, PA2CHR
During the MS QSO with UR7GO I saw on the screen my own echoes. Judging by the dt it was the reflection of the moon. In this time the moon was AZ 300 degrees and El 3.6 degrees. First antenna was 240 degrees, the other pointing south. I can only explain it by double reflection – a meteor trace-the moon- meteor trace. Maybe there is still any explanation? Thank you all who called me. Unfortunately, the conditions were bad, as was often wet snow. Many thanks to the organizers for a wonderful holiday of MS and long service. I even received new call sign for this contest. And yet, we would like to see results sooner. Alex R1BMS
Always a nice contest; this year I decided to stay at home to see what is possible with my home station. For the first time I use a second antenna, a 10el. with preamp, because 4×28 has a rather ‘small’ antenna pattern for MS. Surprising to see about 90% of signals were better (stronger and longer) on my 4x28el ! Maybe the 10el. has some degradation, it’s 15 years old……. It seems to me activity is slowly getting lower: 88 QSO’s from a homestation on a good location with good power is no too much. Good reflections, most if the QSO’s complete within 5 to 15 minutes. I am very interested to see results from the other participants. Thanks for organizing and cu next year.
DK8ZJ, Martin
The first time since years… MS still makes a lot of fun…