BCC Man of the Year 2007: DL8OH

Die Auszeichnung zum „BCC Man of the year“ ging in diesem Jahr wohlverdient an unseren ehemaligen Präsidenten Dieter, DL8OH. Die Auszeichnung wurde wieder traditionell im Rahmen des BCC-Buffet in Oberteuringen übergeben. Die Laudatio kann hier nachgelesen werden.
Ladies and Gentlemen, this year I am very proud to honor a member of our club, who has been absolutely crucial in forming and establishing the success of the Bavarian Contest Club over the last two decades.
Let me describe this person with a few attributes
Far sighted and strategic
Professional appearance and always very well organised
Motivating and supporting
Full of enthusiasm
A good team-player
and as was discovered only lately a perfect cook!He has been around since the late 1980s, when his professional career made him settle down in Bavaria.
In the early years, he was the driver of many Multi-Multi big-style Contest operations that lead us to places like Andorra, Liechtenstein and Gambia.
In 1999 he became the driving force of the BCC and built up a very flexible and successful organisation within the club, which made BCC thrive and prosper throughout the years.
Heavily involved in our two biggest enterprises up to now namely capturing of the SSB and CW Multi-Multi Records in the CQ World Wide DX Contests from LX7A and later CN8WW he pulled the strings and cut
much of the red tape behind the scenes.He has been The Face of the BCC over the last seven years.
I want Dieter Schuster, DL8OH on the stage!
After seven, very successful years, Dieter resigned as Head of BCC in January 2007. His new live as a retiree has brought him back to Northern Germany.
As some of you probably know, Dieter was a member of the recent VK9DNX Norfolk Island Expedition of February 2007.
Let us wish him more time for this kind of activities now that he has also become a BCC retiree.